Joint SIG 20 & SIG 26 webinar


We are pleased to invite you to the Joint 2020 webinar of the EARLI Special Interest Groups 20 (“Inquiry Learning") and 26 (“Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning”). The theme of the webinar is “Tools of Inquiry and Argumentation to Tell Facts from Fiction” and will be held on Thursday August 27th, 2020 (13:30-17:15 CEST).


Ralph LevinsonRalph Levinson (Institute of Education University of London, UK)
Ralph Levinson taught science for 12 years in London before moving into teacher education and research, first at the Open University then at University College London, Institute of Education.  He has taught at Doctoral, Masters and undergraduate level, and has also published widely in academic, professional and popular outlets. He has given many keynote addresses on his work and has particularly strong research connections with Europe, Canada, Brazil, Korea, India and New Zealand. He has played a leading role in a number of EU projects and led highly funded research projects in the UK. His main contemporary research interests are socio-political aspects of science, creativity in science, critical realism, science and sustainability, and school students taking part in contemporary biological research. He is now semi-retired learning Arabic, writing poetry and short stories, going to movies in the afternoon, and catching up with old friends over lunch.


Christopher W. TindaleChristopher W. Tindale Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric University of Windsor, Ontario

Christopher W. Tindale is Director of the Centre of Research in Reasoning, Argumentation, and Rhetoric and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Windsor, where he is also co-editor of Informal Logic and the book series Windsor Studies in Argumentation. His textbook authorship includes Good Reasoning Matters (with Groarke, 5 th edition, Oxford 2013) and Fallacies and Argument Appraisal (Cambridge 2007). He is the author of many papers in argumentation theory, and his most recent books include Reason’s Dark Champions (USC Press 2010), The Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception (Cambridge 2015), and a series of essays in Spanish, Retórica y teoría de la argumentación contemporáneas: ensayos escogidos de Christopher Tindale (EAFIT 2017).
Iris TabakIris Tabak Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Iris Tabak, of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, is a Fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. She studies how digital, material and social interactions interact with affect, values and knowledge to mediate reasoning and action. In the past, she conceptualized synergistic scaffolding and developed The Galapagos Finches. Her Teacher as Partner research examines how to help learners develop a sense of being able and entitled to engage in science, alongside proficiency in scientific practices. She also investigates how non-scientists use networked resources to make evidence-based health decisions; epistemic socialization and the development of a disciplinary stance; and how multi-literacies and dynamic visualizations can augment disciplinary learning in higher education. She holds a B.S.E. in Computer Engineering (University of Michigan), and a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences (Northwestern University). She was a past recipient of the NARST Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation and the Jan Hawkins awards, and a partner in the EC's FP7 CoReflect project, and the LINKS center on Learning in a Networked Society. Tabak was co-editor of the Journal of the Learning Sciences (with Radinsky), and a former president of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).



Keynote talk 1 – Inquiry-based science and social justice
Ralph Levinson (Institute of Education, University of London, UK)

Promotion of inquiry-based science has been a prominent feature of EU-funded research and projects over recent years. One of these projects, PARRISE (Promotion of Attainment in Responsible Research & Innovation in Science Education) geared inquiry-based learning to socio-scientific issues. Despite reform policies in science education promoting society as a context for science learning there is a need to address foundational problems which have their source and history in post-Enlightenment rationality. These problems stem from metaphysical and epistemological incompatibilities between the study of the natural and physical world and causes of social injustice. Through the metatheory of Critical Realism I will address these problems and aim to demonstrate that social justice should be at the core of inquiry-based science and that an understanding of social conflicts deepens our understanding of core scientific concepts rather than detracting from them.


Keynote talk 2 – Addressing others: The audiences of argumentation and the commitments involved
Christopher W. Tindale (Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric University of Windsor, Ontario)

“What is this audience around which argumentation is centered?” asks Chaim Perelman in his Realm of Rhetoric, a question he follows with a range of suggestions that begin to penetrate the differences between monological and dialogical (and polylogical) reasoning and the audiences involved. Which, if any, of these types of reasoning underlies the others and what insights into the nature of argumentation are suggested in such distinctions? In this talk, I approach these problems by investigating, amending and extending Perelman’s treatment of “audience” as the concept central to understanding argumentation. And in doing this, I also aim to bring to light some of the values associated with its teaching and some of the constructive rhetorical principles at its heart.


Keynote talk 3 – Is personal truth fact or fiction?
Iris Tabak (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

For many researchers, the theme of this conference—Tools of Inquiry and Argumentation to Tell Facts from Fiction—has meant understanding the conventions of a field, and devising ways in which learners can apprentice into these forms of action. This sometimes also means trying to create learning environments in which learners not only gain proficiency, but take ownership and adopt the tools for their own purposes. This process requires making space for learners' perspectives, and finding a way to mediate tensions between disciplinary or authoritative perspectives and learner perspectives. As my research has extended out of the classroom to non-formal and online spaces, I have found that the dialectic between personal and authoritative voice configures differently in different contexts, and that the question of which truth should prevail can be equivocal. In this talk, I will present a framework for considering the dimensions involved in gaining proficiency and taking ownership over sense-making tools in different contexts. I will discuss the underlying tensions that come into play in different contexts, as well as implications for learning and instruction.


  • 13:30-14:00 Connecting & Joining the webinar
  • 14:00-14:15 Welcome & Overview
  • 14:15-15:00 Keynote 1:  Inquiry-based science and social justice (Ralph Levinson, Institute of Education, University of London, UK)
  • 15:00-15:15 Break & setting up for the next keynote speaker
  • 15:15-16:00 Keynote 2: Addressing others: The audiences of argumentation and the commitments involved (Christopher W. Tindale, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric University of Windsor, Ontario)
  • 16:00-16:15 Break & setting up for the next keynote speaker
  • 16:15-17:00 Keynote 3:  Is personal truth fact or fiction? (Iris Tabak, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
  • 17:00-17:15 Closing

The programme times are aligned with the Central European Summer Time (CEST) zone.



The registration to the webinar is free of charge! 

You can register yourself here:



SIG 20 Organizing Committee (Inquiry Learning)

  • Ingo Kollar (SIG Coordinator)
  • Koen Veermans (Incoming SIG Coordinator)
  • Yiannis Georgiou (JURE Coordinator)
  • Bram De Wever (Outgoing SIG Coordinator)

SIG 26 Organizing Committee (Argumentation, Dialogue & Reasoning)

  • Armin Weinberger (SIG Coordinator)
  • Rupert Wegerif (Incoming SIG Coordinator)
  • Claire Polo (Incoming JURE Coordinator)
  • Baruch Schwarz (Outgoing SIG Coordinator)
  • Freydis Vogel (Outgoing JURE Coordinator)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Wouter van Joolingen (Chair)
  • Anne van der Linden
  • Michiel van Harskamp

The organizing committee can be reached through


The SIG 20 scientific committee consists of:

  • Annelies Raes (KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Ard Lazonder (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands)
  • Astrid Wichmann (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
  • Bram De Wever (Ghent University, Belgium)
  • Cindy Hmelo-Silver (Indiana University, USA)
  • Eleni Kyza (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus)
  • Ingo Kollar (University of Augsburg, Germany)
  • Janice Gobert (Rutgers University, USA)
  • Jim Slotta (Boston College, USA)
  • Koen Veermans (University of Turku, Finland)
  • Margus Pedaste (University of Tartu, Estonia)
  • Michiel Voet (Ghent University, Belgium)
  • Piia Näykki (University of Oulu, Finland)
  • Susan Yoon (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Tomi Jaakkola (University of Turku, Finland)
  • Ton de Jong (University of Twente, Netherlands)
  • Wouter van Joolingen (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Yiannis Georgiou (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus)

The SIG 26 scientific committee consists of:

  • Alexander Gröschner (Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany)
  • Alina Reznitskaya (Montclair State University, USA)
  • Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
  • Armin Weinberger (Saarland University, Germany)
  • Baruch Schwarz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
  • Carla van Boxtel (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Christa Asterhan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
  • Claire Polo (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France)
  • Clark Chinn (Rutgers University, USA)
  • Frank Fischer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany)
  • Freydis Vogel (University of Nottingham, Germany)
  • Johannes Bauer (University of Erfurt, Germany)
  • Ian Wilkinson (Ohio State University, USA)
  • Hugo Mercier (CNRS, France)
  • Maria Pilar Jimenez Aleixandre (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
  • Michael Baker (CNRS, France)
  • Miika Marttunen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
  • Sara Hennessy (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Sherice Clarke (University of California, USA)
  • Ingvill Rasmussen (University of Oslo, Norway)
  • Kris Lund (CNRS, France)
  • Rocío García-Carrión (University of Deusto, Spain) 
  • Rupert Wegerif (University of Cambridge, UK)