SIG 20 & 26 Conference 2022
We are pleased to invite you to the Joint 2022 conference of the EARLI Special Interest Groups 20 (“Inquiry Learning") and 26 (“Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning”). The conference will be held from Wednesday the 14th to Friday the 16th of September 2022 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The theme of the conference is Dialogue, inquiry and argumentation: shaping the future(s) of education. This important event in the field provides a friendly, cooperative context for meeting researchers and practitioners in the fields of Inquiry Learning, Argumentation, Dialogue, and Reasoning.
The future is uncertain. Climate change, pandemics, economic crisis and more point to the need to prepare students for the challenges of the future. At this juncture in human history, it is time for us to stop walking backwards, equipping students with the knowledge and skills that they would have needed to cope with the past, but to turn around and attempt as best we can to equip them with the kind of education that they need to not only survive but to thrive in the future. Education for dialogue, argumentation, reasoning and shared enquiry are central to any educational response to the challenge of the future. The conference provides opportunities to discuss and recognize how dialogue, inquiry and argumentation can play a role in shaping the future(s) of education, both as pedagogical practices, design perspectives and target skills.
The Joint SIG 20 and SIG 26 conference in Utrecht will offer opportunities for both specific sessions dedicated to either SIG 20 or SIG 26, and sessions that bridge between the two SIGs. Thus, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect to members of both SIGs, during sessions as well as during coffee and lunch breaks.
General submission details for SIG 20 and SIG 26
To submit your proposal it is necessary to have an EARLI account. Creating an EARLI account is free for everyone. To submit your paper there is no need for being EARLI member nor member of any EARLI SIG. Nevertheless, as EARLI member you will benefit from special discounts when registering for the conference.
You can submit your proposal here:
After clicking on “new submission” (or “new symposium”) you will be able to fill in your submission. There you may choose the more specific submission type, keywords, etc. Please consider that you have to copy the text of your submission into a text field during the submission process. You won’t be able to submit your paper as word or pdf. Beyond that, you will be able to upload up to two additional figures or tables. Nevertheless, please make sure that all relevant information for the review process can be found in the text you will submit.
Please submit your research following the submission formats:
- Paper
- Poster
- ICT demonstration
- Symposium
- JURE paper or poster*
All submissions should include:
- Name(s), affiliation, address, and email address of all the authors
- Title of the presentation
- Preference for submission format, including regular or JURE
- Abstract of max. 300 words
- Extended summary:
- Paper (1500 words)
- Poster (500-1500 words)
- ICT demo (500-1500 words)
- symposium (3-4 papers x 1500 words + 500 words general abstract/introduction)
More information about the submission formats can be found in the submission guidelines (see the PDF document below).
*JURE members who will submit their work in the JURE track will receive useful feedback by senior members of the community, dedicated to attend the JURE poster and paper sessions. In addition, two prizes will be awarded to the Best Paper and the Best Poster.
Language note: All submissions should be in English – also all talks and presentations at the conference will be in English.
We encourage submissions to the following topics (non-exhaustive list):
SIG 20 (Inquiry learning)
According to our mission statement, we welcome submissions that contribute to the aim of offering learners opportunities for engaging in inquiry practices. For instance, research related to:
- Learning contexts (e.g. Inquiry in different domains, either academic or professional; computer-supported inquiry learning; visualizations and simulations; mobile learning)
- Strategies and methods of instruction (The role of the teacher; scaffolding; intelligent tutoring; adaptive systems; agent-based learning; collaborative inquiry learning; model-based learning; discovery-based learning; problem-based learning; project-based learning; game-based learning; productive failure)
- Student outcomes – knowledge, skills and attitudes – (Knowledge building; graphing literacy; motivation; interactions between skill acquisition & learner characteristics; metacognition and regulation; performance assessment; assessment techniques)
SIG 26 (Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning)
- Learning from and through dialogue and argumentation
- Argumentation in and across domains (Mathematics, History, etc.)
- Motivation, affect, social dynamics and epistemology
- Dialogue, reasoning and argumentation in multicultural contexts
- Designing for dialogue, reasoning and argumentation
- Online dialogue and argumentation
- Teacher professional development for argumentation and dialogue
- Methods for analyzing dialogue, reasoning and argumentation
All submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind format.
Important Dates
March 1st, 2022Submission opens
April 10th, 2022Submission deadline
May 6th, 2022Registration opens
May 20th, 2022Notifications of acceptance
June 8th, 2022Early registration deadline
September 14th-16th, 2022Joint SIG20 & SIG26 conference
Organizing Committees
The SIG 20 Organizing Committee consists of:
- Tasos Hovardas
- Koen Veermans
- Valentina Nachtigall (JURE Coordinator)
The SIG 26 Organizing Committee consists of:
- Christa Asterhan
- Rupert Wegerif
- Claire Polo (JURE Coordinator)
The Local Organizing Committee consists of:
- Wouter van Joolingen
- Rayendra Bachtiar (E-Mail:
- Roeland Boot (E-Mail:
- Joost van Vijfeiken (E-Mail:
- Patrick Diepenbroek (E-Mail:
Scientific Committees
The SIG 20 scientific committee consists of:
- Annelies Raes (University of Leuven, Belgium)
- Antti Lehtinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
- Ard Lazonder (Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Bram De Wever (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Cindy Hmelo-Silver (Indiana University, US)
- Eleni Kyza (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus)
- Ingo Kollar (University of Augsburg, Germany)
- Koen Veermans (University of Turku, Finland)
- Margus Pedaste (University of Tartu, Estonia)
- Raija Hämäläinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
- Tasos Hovardas ( University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
- Tomi Jaakkola (Tampere University, Finland)
- Ton de Jong (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
- Valentina Nachtigall (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
- Wouter van Joolingen (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
The SIG 26 scientific committee consists of:
- Adam Lefstein (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
- Alexander Gröschner (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)
- Alina Reznitskaya (Montclair University, USA)
- Alison Twiner (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Anke Wischgol (Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany)
- Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (University of Neuchatel, Switzerland)
- Armin Weinberger (University of Saarland, Germany)
- Baruch Schwarz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
- Carla van Boxtel (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Chiel van der Veen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Christa Asterhan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
- Christine Howe (Cambridge University, UK)
- Chrysi Rapanta (NOVA university Lisbon, Portugal)
- Claire Polo (Lyon 2 University, France)
- Clark Chinn (Rutgers University, USA)
- Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus (Humboldt University Berlin)
- Frank Fischer (LMU, Germany)
- Ian Wilkinson (Ohio State University, USA)
- Ingvill Rasmussen (University of Oslo, Norway)
- Kalypso Iordanou (UCLan Cyprus)
- Klara Sedova (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- Kristiina Kumpulainen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Kristine Lund (Lyon 2 University, France)
- Maria Vrikki (University of Cyprus)
- Maureen Boyd (University of Buffalo, USA)
- Michael Baker (CNRS, France)
- Michael Nussbaum (University of Nevada, USA)
- Riikka Hofmann (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Rocío García-Carrión (University of Deusto, Spain)
- Rupert Wegerif (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Sara Hennessy (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Sherice Clarke (University of California San Diego, USA)
Keynote Speakers
We are honored to present the following three keynote speakers to you:
Sarit Barzilai is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Learning and Instructional Sciences in the Faculty of Education of the University of Haifa, Israel. Her research focuses on epistemic thinking, metacognition, multiple document literacy, inquiry learning, and game-based learning. Her principal interest is investigating how to promote learners' epistemic growth so that they are better able to cope with the challenges of twenty-first century knowledge societies. Dr. Barzilai has extensively studied how epistemic thinking comes into play as learners evaluate and integrate multiple information sources that present diverse perspectives. She also designs and investigates technology-enhanced learning environments for promoting learners' epistemic growth in these contexts. Her recent research focuses on how to address the current "post-truth" climate, and she has co-edited a special issue of Educational Psychologist on educational responses to "post-truth" problems. Dr. Barzilai is a recipient of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Early Career Award, the Journal of the Learning Sciences Best Paper Award, and the EARLI Outstanding Publication Award. Her full profile can be found here:
Keynote Abstract:
Epistemic Growth in a "Post-Truth" World: Challenges for Argumentation and Inquiry Learning
The Internet and social media have put vast amounts of information at people's fingertips, while disrupting traditional mechanisms for vetting information. Widespread misinformation, disinformation, and science denial are reshaping how we perceive the competencies that students need to develop in order to cope with a changing world. In this talk, I will argue that preparing students for a "post-truth" world requires rethinking the goals of epistemic growth and, consequently, how such growth can be promoted in educational settings. First, I will outline four core "post-truth" thinking problems that have concerned educators: (1) gaps in students' abilities to deal critically with online information, (2) fallible ways of knowing that are amplified by current (mis)information environments, (3) insufficient caring about truth and accuracy, and (4) the prevalence of deep disagreements about how to know. I will use each of these problems to frame challenges and opportunities for argumentation and inquiry learning. Second, building on this analysis, I will propose that addressing the "post-truth" condition requires rethinking how we conceptualize the desired goals of students' epistemic growth. I will present a theoretical framework, the Apt-AIR framework, which posits that education should focus on promoting students' apt epistemic performance. Third, I will describe several instructional directions, derived from the Apt-AIR framework, for addressing "post-truth" challenges. These directions will be illustrated through studies conducted in my research group, while pointing to open questions. Fostering students' dispositions and abilities to reason well in contemporary online environments is crucial in order to sustain democratic societies and respond to crises such as climate change and pandemics. The development and investigation of robust ways to prepare students for a "post-truth" world will require the education community’s sustained commitment and effort.
Ton de Jong holds a chair in Instructional Technology. He specializes in inquiry learning (mainly in science domains) supported by technology. He was coordinator of eight EU projects including the 7th framework Go-Lab project on learning with online laboratories in science and its H2020 follow-up project Next-Lab (see Currently is on the editorial board of seven journals. He is AERA and ISLS fellow and was elected member of the Academia Europaea in 2014.
For more info see:
Keynote Abstract:
Let’s talk evidence – what do we know about the instructional effects of inquiry learning?
Since the start of SIG 20 in 2005, 17 years have passed. In these years technology has very much advanced and also the number of studies on technology-based inquiry learning has multiplied. In this presentation I will walk through the existing evidence from the literature and I will summarize results from controlled (laboratory and in vivo) studies, correlational analyses (mainly PISA 2015), and larger scale (curricular) interventions, more specifically comparing inquiry-based with direct instruction. Following that, I will argue that classroom reality is too complex to warrant oversimple conclusions: There are many forms of inquiry-based and direct instruction available for a diversity of domain content and learning goals and each may have their specific virtues and disadvantages. In a well-designed curriculum, different instructional approaches can complement—or even better—strengthen each other and new technological developments may help realizing teaching approaches that are both effective and flexible.
Antonia Larrain is Full Professor of Psychology, at Faculty of Psychology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile. She holds a PhD in Psychology from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and in 2010 she was a postdoc visiting scholar at Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK. She has conducted empirical and conceptual research to explore the psychological processes involved in disciplinary learning and concept formation through argumentation, and in understanding the interrelationships between its multiple benefits. She has published in several journals such as Journal of Educational Psychology, Cognition & Instruction, Teacher and Teaching Education, among many others. She is currently President of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP) and Associate editor of Journal for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (APA div. 24). She is part of the Editorial Board of Review of General Psychology (APA div. 1), Theory and Psychology and European Journal of Psychology of Education.
Keynote Abstract:
Deliberative teaching as educational experience: Weaving together different threads of research to craft education for democracy in the 21st century
This presentation will address the urgent challenge that we face in educating young people for contemporaneous democracies. The starting-point of this presentation is that, as research communities on argumentation, dialogue and education, we have been working on crucial issues and producing relevant empirical data to inform current educational policies. However, somehow, we have been less able to impact the political agenda worldwide, and it is urgent that we do so. Nowadays, in different parts of the world – and I will mostly give a perspective from Latin America – the idea of democracies as rational and well-balanced structures settled after WWII is being put in question, revealing their dependence upon unstable and fragile collective agreements that need to be performed and re-performed constantly to unfold their political power. This is of concern considering the important political and environmental challenges that we – as global and interconnected, but deeply diverse, communities – need to address urgently, to sustain our shared life: social and gender justice and inclusion, climate change, socio-economic inequalities, and inequality of political and social rights, among others. Education is called upon not only to prepare citizens for this new world but also to be recreated as a place where collective agreements are legitimated, understood and re-performed, and not merely obeyed. We need an education that invites young people to imagine their present and future, giving them a sense of belonging and action. Although authors such as John Dewey argued for similar ideas at the inception of the last century, we need to revisit these ideas today with new insights.
Therefore, the initial focus of this presentation will be, first, to show how different trends of empirical research conducted, in large part, by members of this community (including my own research) are telling us a strong story that needs to be told: organizing the teaching of curricular topics around the exercise of deliberative argumentation – what will be called deliberative teaching – prompts students’ knowledge, as well as (linguistic and political) skills’ development. However, to tell this story clearly and loudly, we need to address several research questions that remain, which require new empirical and theoretical approaches. Does the deliberative experience prompt knowledge and skills at the same time? What are the pedagogical conditions for prompting more than one outcome? How does deliberating with others prompt these outcomes on an individual level? What could these findings tell us about the mind? Can we conceive of the mind as a sort of deliberative process, as scholars such as Mead and Peirce, and more recently Billig and Nienkamp, have argued? In the second part of my presentation, I will explore the available empirical evidence (including studies in which I have participated) and theoretical insights to provide speculative answers to these questions, with an invitation to critically explore these interpretations and ideas with the audience.
Programme Overview (please find the detailed programme below):
Instructions for the presenters can be found in the file below.
Early registration deadline is 8th of June
Fees (including the conference dinner):
You can register for the conference here:
Venue of the conference
The venue for the EARLI SIG meeting will be La Vie Meeting Center Utrecht (, Sint Jacobsstraat 61, 3511 BP Utrecht. This meeting center is located in the center of Utrecht on 5 minutes walking distance of Utrecht central train station.
Travel to Utrecht
Utrecht is easy to reach by train, car and bus, and is close to Schiphol Airport. More information can be found here: (please note that we don’t meet on the Utrecht University campus)
Recommended Hotels
The following hotels are all located in the center of Utrecht on walking distance of the venue La Vie Meeting Center (max 15 minutes walking), and all offer a discount when providing a Utrecht University discount code together with your booking.
1. Crowne Plaza Utrecht - Central Station ★★★★
Location: Utrecht City Centre, Catharijne Esplanade 13, 3511 WK Utrecht
Discount code: 787015044 (20% discount)
Contact information:
+3130 237 7122
2. Eye Hotel Utrecht ★★★★
Location: Utrecht City Centre, Wijde Begijnestraat 1-3, 3512 AW Utrecht
Discount code: Universiteit Utrecht 2021 (15% discount)
Contact information:
+3130 303 6 303
3. Hampton by Hilton Utrecht Central Station ★★★
Location: Utrecht City Centre, Boven Catharijnepoort 4, 3511 WN Utrecht
Discount code: 3296745 (20% discount)
Contact information:
+3130 237 7033
4. Mother Goose Hotel ★★★★
Location: Utrecht City Centre, Ganzenmarkt 26, 3512 GE Utrecht
Discount code: UUMG22 (15% discount)
Contact information:
+3130 303 6300
5. NH Hotels Centre Utrecht ★★★
Location: Utrecht City Centre, Janskerkhof, 10, 3512 BL Utrecht
Discount code: To be confirmed
Contact information:
Reservations: +31 (0)20 70 18 042
6. Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre
Location: Utrecht City Centre, Smakkelaarshoek 24, 3511 EC Utrecht
Discount code: no discount
Contact information:
+31 (0) 30-2020990
These three hotels are a bit further away from the center but on a short train or tram ride from Utrecht Central Station:
1. Hotel Breukelen
2. Bastion Hotel Utrecht
3. Postillion Hotel Bunnik
The organizing committees can be reached through and