SIG 2 Conference 2022

Welcome to Kiel in 2022

A warm welcome to the 2022 SIG 2 conference website and to Kiel – the “Sailing City” in northern Germany!


Please note that we will constantly update and extend the information regarding the SIG 2 2022 conference over the course of the next months. So, stay tuned and make sure to check back for updates.

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To make sure that you do not miss important information regarding SIG 2 activities and the 2022 conference, please sign up here.

You have questions or feedback?
Feel free to contact us:


Overview of Conference Program is online!

Click here for an overview of our conference program with scheduled presentation times, including presenters and titles, as well as scheduled break times and social activities.





Text and graphics comprehension in a digital world: Potential and challenges

Creating effective computer-based instructions in digital educational environments is one of the most important tasks of our times. In particular, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic increased the speed at which instructions and assessments needed to be made available for online and distant learning all around the world.

The potential to present text, multiple documents, pictures, and graphics in digital formats is basically unlimited. Interactive content, dynamic features, educational games, and automated tutoring systems expand the possibilities of effective multimedia learning and testing even more. However, digital education with text and graphics also has its challenges due to the increased complexity, potential ambiguity, and biases that need to be considered and better understood.

We therefore invite all of you to draw further attention to the potentials and challenges of digital learning and assessment environments with multiple representations at the 2022 conference, following the theme: Text and graphics comprehension in a digital world: Potential and challenges.


Typical SIG 2 Topics

Please note that the conference theme and the mentioned topics are only meant to inspire submissions, but not to limit their scope. All proposals that address any question related to text and/or graphics comprehension are most welcome!


Typical SIG 2 topics include learning from or testing with:

  • Texts
  • Texts and pictures
  • Graphical representations
  • Multiple documents
  • Hypermedia
  • Animations and videos
  • Simulations and games

Please note that we welcome anyone who is interested in the topics related to SIG 2 and wants to get in touch, even if they have not (yet) conducted research in the field of text and graphics comprehension.

You are also very welcome to register for the conference without submitting a proposal. Feel free to join the conference to focus on interpersonal exchanges within the community and to listen to the presentations and keynotes. This also (and especially) applies to interested undergraduate and graduate students.


IMPORTANT DATES in 2021 / 2022

  • December 10th
    Submission System Opens
  • February 7th
    Deadline for Submissions at 23:59 (UTC +1)
  • April 1st
    Notification of Review Decisions
  • April 11th
    Registration Opens
  • June 10th
    Deadline for Early Bird Registration
  • July 15th
    Registration Deadline
  • July 18th
    Conference Program Online
  • August 28th
    Pre-Conference Get-Together in Kiel (Evening, 5.30 p.m.)
  • August 29th–31st
    SIG 2 Conference in Kiel
  • September 1st
    SIG 2 Post-Conference Breakfast in Kiel (Morning, 8 a.m.)


Proposal Format

The submission format will be the same for all three presentation types (see below). To keep the workload for both participants and reviewers at a lower level, we decided to reduce the allowed length for the submission proposals:

Proposals should be no longer than 600 words, plus a brief abstract that is no longer than 60 words. The word limitation for the proposal does not include references or tables/figures (up to two), which can be added in a pdf file attachment.

The brief abstract should highlight just the main idea or important results of the research. It will be printed in the conference program.

Please note: Both empirical and theoretical contributions are welcome!

For empirical contributions, the proposal should be written concisely and include a brief background and the motivation for the conducted research as well as sufficient information regarding the research questions, design, sample, methods, and (if already present) results with important conclusions. Of course, it will not be possible to include a comprehensive theoretical background for the work in the short proposals and this is not expected. Please focus on making sure that the added value and the quality of your own research stands out in the submission.

For theoretical contributions, the proposal should be written concisely and include a review of previous literature with diverse perspectives on a topic and build on existing work in the field. They can include a data section, or extend the current theory literature without including data. It should become clear what is original about the contribution and why it is important with respect to theory and/or practice. In addition, it should highlight how the contribution is relevant to the SIG 2 topics in particular and the implications of the contribution for theory and/or practice.

Presentation Formats

The conference will have three presentation formats that will allow participants to present work in different stages and also make room to discuss work in progress.

Please note that authors will be asked to indicate which (at least two) of the three presentation formats they prefer (and the order of their preference) during the submission process. The final decision on the presentation format will be made based on the review results and the fit of the proposed work to the scope of the SIG 2 conference.

Format Icon Presentation

Format Icon Poster

Format Icon Roundtable

1) Oral Paper Presentation

(Single-Track Sessions)

This is the standard format that gives participants the opportunity to present and discuss the results from recently completed research as well as work in progress but in the late stages. The paper proposals that receive the most favorable reviews and that fit well to the conference’s scope will be allocated to the 20-minute oral presentation format (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion).

We will try to keep the conference single-tracked. Thus, invitations for oral presentations will be highly selective. Other paper proposals that fall within the scope of the conference and are of sufficient scientific quality will be invited to submit a poster or a round-table presentation.

2) Research Blitz with Poster

(Oral Single-Track Blitz + Poster Session)

The poster sessions will be of substantial length and scheduled at convenient times during the conference, making this a lively and interactive presentation format to present studies and make interpersonal connections. This format is perfectly suited to present new ideas or work in progress.

To make it possible to introduce the scope and highlights of the presented posters to the entire audience, each presenter will have a maximum of 2 minutes for a blitz-introduction to their research. The blitz session will take place before the poster sessions to raise interest and awareness of presented topics in order to support more lively discussions.

For the posters we recommend a maximum size of A0 (portrait or landscape format).

3) Round Table with Discussant

(Parallel Sessions)

Round-table sessions offer opportunities for a more discursive exploration of research issues. The presenters will explain their ongoing research and invite the participants to discuss data or to solve a research issue. This may well involve discussions of work in progress and plans for new projects or experimental designs. To make sure that round-table presentations are suited for discussions, we will ask authors during the submission process to provide one or two open questions regarding their research that could provide a good base for discussions.

Each round-table session will consist of three to four presentations. Each presenter will have about 10 minutes to introduce their research and raise one or two open questions. At least 20 minutes are intended for discussion. Each round table will be guided by an experienced researcher in the field who will serve as a chair and discussant to stimulate and coordinate the discussions.

Please Note: Number of Submissions

You are welcome to submit more than one proposal for the conference! However, to ensure that many different researchers will have the chance to present their work, please note that if you submit several paper proposals as a first author, only one can be accepted as an oral presentation (the one that receives the highest review scores).

Additional proposals can be accepted as posters. If you wish, it is possible to be the first/presenting author on one oral paper and on one round-table session (please indicate).

The number of co-authored presentations is not limited. However, the first author is expected to be the presenting author and to be registered for the conference.


How to Submit Your Proposal

To submit a proposal, you will need an EARLI account. If you do not have an EARLI account yet, simply create one here – it’s free of charge.

The SIG 2 conference submission system will open on December 10th, 2021. We have extended the original submission deadline (February 7th 2022) to February 14th, 2022 at 23h59 (UTC +1).

Note: All submissions should be completely anonymous to ensure a fair and blind review process. Therefore, please make sure that you do not include any names or institution names in your submission or in the attached pdf file.

Please adhere to the submission guidelines. Most importantly, make sure that your abstract is no longer than 60 words and the proposal (excluding references) is no longer than 600 words. If you wish to add references and tables/figures (up to two), you are invited to send them in a separate pdf file. Finally, please be sure to indicate your preferred order of a presentation format in the submission system.

Before submitting your proposal via the EARLI system, please make sure that the word count of both abstract and extend summary are within the specified word limits.


To submit your proposal via the EARLI system, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the EARLI system.
  2. Go to “My submissions” and click on the right side on "+New Submission" (green button).
  3. Select the correct conference (SIG 2 Conference 2022) from the list and click on "+New Submission" on the right side.
  4. Fill in the form with the basic data for your proposal and click on "Save Draft" (green button).
  5. Then click on "Paper Info" in the upper list and fill in the three fields (Abstract, Summary, and Accepting Formats).
  6. Then go to "Paper Meta Data" (this only works if the previous fields have been filled in correctly) and enter the remaining information.
  7. Either click on "Save Draft" for intermediate saving or "Save & Submit" to finally submit your proposal.

Please note: For each submission, a presenting author is needed. If your proposal is accepted, the presenting author will need to register for the conference in order to schedule the proposal.

Review Criteria

Important criteria for the review process will be:


For empirical contributions:

  • Relevance for the domain of SIG 2 (text and graphics comprehension)
  • Scientific quality of the research rationale and study design
  • Clarity, coherence, conciseness of the submission
  • Significance for theory and practice
  • Soundness of research methods and design
  • Quality of (preliminary) analyses and conclusions


For theoretical contributions:

  • Relevance for the domain of SIG 2 (text and graphics comprehension)
  • Originality and quality of the research rationale
  • Clarity, coherence, conciseness of the submission
  • Significance for theory (advancing the field) and practice
  • Soundness of theoretical argumentation
  • Quality of inferences


The reviewers will be asked to rate the respective criteria on a scale from 0–100%. However, if you are presenting work in progress, please clearly indicate the current state of the work and in which state you will be able to present the research to allow to consider this information in the review process.

Conference Proceedings

Accepted proposals will be included in the electronic conference proceedings provided that at least one author is registered for the conference. If you do NOT wish to have your proposal included in the proceedings, please indicate this explicitly during the submission process.

If you wish to update and/or extend your proposal to a maximum length of 1000 words without references, you will get the chance to send an updated version to be included in the proceedings. Furthermore, all submitted 60-word abstracts will be printed in the conference program.

Please note that the proceedings do not constitute publishing. The main function of the proceedings is to communicate your findings in the SIG 2 community. This means that the inclusion in the conference proceedings does not limit your options to submit your work to scientific journals. Of course, you can also present work that has already been accepted for publication or has been published recently.


Icon Mentoring

1) Mentoring Program

All students who present their work at the conference are invited to participate in our JURE mentoring program. Please indicate your wish to participate in the JURE mentoring program when you submit your proposal for the conference. In this program, each student will receive constructive feedback on their work from one of the senior researchers at the conference.

Icon Get-together

2) JURE Get-Together

We invite students to a JURE get-together as a pre-conference activity on the Sunday afternoon before the first conference day, August 28th, 2022 at the venue in Kiel. This activity will take place before the official get-together in the evening and will allow JURE members to make stronger connections with their peers. We will announce more details about this activity in the months before the conference.

Icon Awards

3) Junior Researcher Awards

The best paper and the best poster presented by junior researchers will be selected by a jury at the conference. The winners will receive the award during the SIG 2 business meeting. To be eligible for an award, the first author must be an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the submission.


Richard E. Mayer






Multimedia Learning in the Digital Age

Multimedia learning is learning from words and graphics. During the past 30 years, my colleagues and I have conducted over 200 experiments aimed at understanding how to design multimedia messages that foster deep learning of scientific, mathematical, and technical material as measured by transfer tests.  In this talk, I summarize what we have learned so far in terms of both evidence-based practice and evidence-based theory, I show how the focus of our work has shifted from print to digital formats over the years, and I speculate on new directions for the future of multimedia learning including research agendas for game-based learning, learning in immersive virtual reality, and learning with online pedagogical agents.


Tamara van Gog Placeholder







Using Gaze Displays to Foster Learning from Text and Graphics

Over the last two decades, the use of eye tracking in research on multimedia learning has increased massively. Eye tracking cannot only be used to record learners’ eye movements to study how they process text and graphics, but also allows for visualising learners’ eye movements (i.e., gaze displays) overlaid on the studied text and graphics. In this talk, I will discuss research on different ways in which such gaze displays could potentially be used to foster learning from text and graphics: From showing learners a gaze display of others to foster their comprehension and learning (a.k.a. eye movement modelling examples), to showing learners displays of their own gaze to stimulate monitoring and regulation of their own learning process, and showing teachers a display of students’ gaze, to help them monitor and regulate students’ learning. 

Ladislao Salmerón






Screen inferiority effect: Understanding why digital technologies may disrupt text comprehension

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions across the world were moving rapidly to integrate digital reading devices in the classroom, under the assumption that computers and tablets will help students to improve both motivation and learning. Unfortunately, massive adoption of digital devices hasn’t come with the necessary assessment of its efficacy, a paradox that ultimately reflects a general trend in education of uncritical adoptions of emerging technologies. Although strong concerns about the massive consumption of digital reading in education have been raised for more than a decade, not until the publication of recent meta-analyses has there been strong empirical evidence indicating that students better comprehend expository texts in print than with digital devices. Explanations for this effect are still tentative. In this talk, I aim to summarize current research efforts to understand why digital technologies may disrupt text comprehension and what can be done to solve this.

Johanna Abendroth






Learning with web-based texts: The role of nonstrategic and strategic validation processes

Texts are a traditional medium for knowledge acquisition on socioscientific issues, used both in formal education and in informal learning. However, digitalization and the Internet have permanently changed the access to and discussion of information on socioscientific issues. In particular, when reading online materials, readers are frequently confronted with the challenging tasks to select, comprehend, and use a multitude of complex and often inconsistent and contrary texts on the same issue. I will argue that readers confronted with such tasks tend to use superficially created beliefs to evaluate the plausibility or credibility of statements from controversial texts during non-strategic validation processes as part of normal comprehension. Several empirical studies will be presented that show that such a non-strategic belief-biased preferential processing of information often hampers readers’ ability to fully understand complex socioscientific issues in formal and informal learning. In addition, educational means will be discussed that can support strategic validation and by that a more sophisticated and balanced understanding of web-based texts on socioscientific issues.


An initial overview of our conference program with scheduled presentation times, including presenters and titles, as well as scheduled break times and social activities, is now available in the pdf file below.

Social Activities

Please stay tuned. We will offer a rich social program in Kiel to make up for the lost time in the past years, to exchange ideas, and to get (back) in touch and enjoy a cheerful and scientifically stimulating time together.

The social program will include

  1. Pre-Conference Get-Together (Sunday Evening)
  2. Conference Reception
  3. Conference Dinner
  4. Coffee Breaks with Food and Drinks
  5. Communicative Lunch Breaks
  6. Goodbye Breakfast (Thursday Morning)


SIG 2 2022 - Social Events Map



The Conference Registration System opens on April 11, 2022.

To register for the SIG 2 Conference 2022 in Kiel, please log into your EARLI account with your existing credentials or create a new account. You will find the SIG 2 Conference listed in your User Dashboard in the section "Upcoming Conferences".

To benefit from the special member rates for the conference, it is necessary for you to sign up as member beforehand or make sure that you updated your EARLI membership. Once your membership for the year 2022 has been paid and approved by the EARLI office, you will be able to register with the EARLI/ JURE member conference fee.

Please note that for updating or creating a new JURE membership, you will need to send proof of your JURE status via email to the EARLI office.

The Early Bird Registration Deadline ends on June 10, 2022. So make sure to register before that time to benefit from low conference fees. Please complete your registration by the Final Registration Deadline which is July 15, 2022.

Conference Registration Fees & Social Activities

We made an effort to keep the registration fees low while allowing for a great conference experience. To make up for the lost time during the pandemic and the missed opportunities of networking in the past years, we planned several social activities that will allow us to get together, have a good time and find creative space for discussions and building up new collaborations while enjoying some good food and drink.


Early Bird Registration (before June 10th)

  •     JURE Members*: 195 €
  •     EARLI Members*: 245 €
  •     Master & PhD Students (Non-Members): 225 €
  •     Regular (Non-Members): 325 €



Late Registration (after June 10th)

  •     JURE Members*: 235 €
  •     EARLI Members*: 295 €
  •     Master & PhD Students (Non-Members): 275 €
  •     Regular (Non-Members): 375 €


*Please check that your membership runs until the end of 2022 (EARLI membership runs from January 1st to December 31st).


We encourage you to book your Tickets to the following social events for just a small co-payment:

  • Pre-Conference Get-Together, Sunday, 6 pm (Kiel downtown) – 5
  • Conference Dinner, Tuesday, 7 pm (Kiel downtown) – 10
  • Post-Conference Breakfast, Thursday, 9 am (Kiel downtown) – 5
  • JURE Pre-Conference Meeting, Sunday, 4 pm (Kiel downtown) – free of charge
  • JURE Mentoring Program, flexible schedule – free of charge


The pre- and post-conference events are certainly going to make your trip to Kiel even more worthwhile, as most participants will arrive the Sunday before the conference and depart on Thursday. More specific information on the locations of the social events will be announced in due course.

Welcome to Kiel – Sailing City!

Welcome to Kiel - The sailing City in Northern Germany


The 2022 SIG 2 conference will take place in Kiel, Germany at the IPN – Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education. The venue is located on the campus of Kiel University. The address is Leibnizstraße 1, 24118 Kiel.


Welcome to the IPN in KielOur venue in Kiel 2022


Travel Information

Getting there by train
Kiel’s main train station is accessible daily via various ICE, IC, and regional train connections. The central bus stop “Hauptbahnhof” is right outside the main train station, from where Kiel city buses depart in all directions (see bus platforms at the main train station)


Getting there by airplane
Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel airport is about 85 km from Kiel. From there you can take the KIELIUS airport bus to Kiel city centre.


Getting there by car
If you are coming from Hamburg, take the A7 and A215 motorways and then take the Kiel-Mitte exit onto the B76 towards Eckernförde to get to the conference venue. There are public parking spaces along Olshausenstraße, and a park-and-ride car park at the crossroads between Olshausenstraße and Bremerskamp.


Kiel bus connections to the conference venue: Leibnizstr. 1 (LS1)
To get to the conference venue from Kiel city center, you can take the following buses:

  • 61/62 (In the direction of Suchsdorf, Rungholtplatz/in the direction of Projensdorf, Woltersweg), bus stop Leibnizstraße
  • 81 (In the direction of Botanischer Garten ), bus stop Leibnizstraße
  • 50 and 60S (both in the direction of Botanischer Garten), bus stop Universitätsbibliothek


Further information on public transport connections in Kiel can be found at these websites:



The best way to be mobile in Kiel during the conference from 28.08. to 31.08. is the 9-Euro-Ticket. You can buy the ticket anywhere in Germany at, DB Navigator, DB Reisezentrum (travel centre), and ticket machines at stations.The 9-Euro-Ticket not only allows you unlimited use of public transportation in Kiel, but also allows you to travel on local/regional trains throughout Germany for an entire month in June, July or August. Please note: The ticket is not valid on long-distance trains (e.g. IC, EC or ICE) or long-distance buses. Unfortunately, the offer for the 9-Euro-Ticket ends on August 31. You can find more information about the 9-Euro-Ticket at


For the period from 28.08. to 01.09.2022 room contingents are available in the following Kiel hotels; these contingents can be accessed by telephone or e-mail using the keyword “EARLI SIG2”:


GHOTEL hotel & living

Eckernförder Straße 213 – 215 | 24119 Kiel-Kronshagen

Fon: +49.(0)431. 3200. 0


Price p.p. per night: Single room € 77,00 / Double room € 97,00, incl. breakfast

Room contingent available until: 28.06.2022

Free room cancellation until: 14.08.2022

Location: 20 min. walking distance to conference venue

Getting there from the main train station: Bus platform B1, Bus no.  22/81 in the direction “Suchsdorf, Rungholtplatz”: Bus stop “Nordmarksportfeld”




unique by ATLANTIC Hotels

Kaistraße 30 | 24103 Kiel

Fon: +49.(0)431. 88738. 0


Price p.p. per night: Double room € 79,00 Euro, without breakfast

Room contingent available until: 17.07.2022

Free room cancellation until: 17.07.2022

Location: 2 min. walking distance to main train station




me and all hotel

Kaistraße 80 | 24114 Kiel

Fon: +49.(0)431. 363051. 999


Price p.p. per night: Double room € 89,00 Euro, incl. breakfast

Room contingent available until: 01.08.2022

Free room cancellation until: 28.08.2022, 06:00 pm

Location: 4 min. walking distance to main train station




the niu Welly

Andreas-Gayk-Straße 10 | 24103 Kiel

Fon: +49.(0)431. 555888. 09


Price p.p. per night: Double room € 80,00 Euro, incl. breakfast

Room contingent available until: 07.08.2022

Free room cancellation until: 19.08.2022

Location: 8 min. walking distance to main train station




B&B Hotel Kiel-Holstenbrücke

Willestraße 8 | 24103 Kiel

Fon: +49.(0)431. 7197052. 0


Price p.p. per night: French bed room € 91,50 Euro, incl. breakfast

Room contingent available until: 07.08.2022

Free room cancellation until: 28.08.2022, 7:00 pm

Location: 12 min. walking distance to main train station


Meeting in Kiel – But what about COVID-19?

We are very hopeful that we will be able to conduct the conference in Kiel next year as planned. However, nobody knows what surprises might come up over the course of 2022.

Only if in-person meetings are not or will most likely not be possible due to pandemic restrictions at the time will we switch the conference to an online format. In the case of a necessary shift to an online format, we will use the platform ZOOM to host the conference with a slightly adapted program. We plan to make a final decision long enough before the final registration deadline for presenters (i.e., July 15th).  

We plan to include some digital elements in the in-person conference, which will be announced later. However, these will not replace the in-person conference and will only provide a peek into the program. The conference will not take place in a hybrid format.

So, be prepared to visit Kiel, the Sailing City in northern Germany (or, in the worst case: attend one more conference at home via ZOOM)…

Scientific Committee

Shaaron Ainsworth, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Sandra Berney, University of Geneva, TECFA, Switzerland

Mireille Betrancourt, Geneva University, Switzerland

Jean-Michel Boucheix, University of Bourgogne, France

Cyril Brom, Charles University, Czechia

Birgit Brucker, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, Germany

Leonie Brummer, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Raquel Cerdan, University of Valencia, Spain

Tiphaine Colliot, University of Poitiers, France

Jennifer Cromley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States

Erica de Vries, University Grenoble Alpes, France

Juliette Desiron, University of Zürich, Switzerland

Alexander Eitel, University of Gießen, Germany

Manuela Glaser, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, Germany

Carolin Hahnel, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Centre for International Student Assessment (ZIB), Germany

Nora Heyne, Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg, Germany

Emely Hoch, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, Germany

Tim Höffler, IPN Kiel, Germany

Martin Kerwer, Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID), Germany

Anna Kienitz, University of Gießen, Germany

Marie-Christin Krebs, University of Gießen, Germany

Tim Kühl, University of Potsdam / University of Mannheim, Germany

Margarita Limon, University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain

Marlit Annalena Lindner, IPN Kiel, Germany

Lucia Mason, University of Padova, Italia

Martin Merkt, German Institute for Adult Education, Germany

Maria Pannatier, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Ladislao Salmerón, University of Valencia, Spain

Sabine Schlag, University of Wuppertal, Germany

Florian Schmidt-Borcherding, University of Bremen, Germany

Anke Schmitz, Leuphana Universität, Germany

Sascha Schneider, Universität Zürich, Switzerland

Cornelia Schoor, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Germany

Anne Schüler, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, Germany

Johannes Schult, Institute for Educational Analysis (IBBW), Germany

Tina Seufert, Ulm University, Germany

Huib Tabbers, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Christian Tarchi, Florence, Italy


as of February 21th, 2022

Organizing Committee

Marlit Annalena Lindner (conference chair, SIG 2 coordinator)

Cyril Brom (SIG 2 coordinator)

Marie-Christin Krebs (JURE SIG 2 coordinator)


We are further supported by:

Alexander Eitel (former SIG coordinator)

Ondřej Javora (former JURE SIG coordinator)


We are grateful for the help of Frauke Tiedje, Heidrun Petersen, and Rebecca Müller at the IPN in Kiel.


                                         logo DFG          logo EARLI           IPN


Icon Question


If you have any questions regarding the next SIG 2 conference or other topics related to SIG 2, please feel free to contact us: