
The SIG 9 Conference conference 2020/2021 theme is continuity and change. We are aiming to explore the ways in which phenomenography/variation theory can both build on its rich and diverse history, but also move forward in exciting new directions. We would like to discuss how phenomenography/variation theory can be strengthened as a distinctive approach to educational research and practice by drawing on internal developments within the field and by reaching out to other research traditions to look for synergies.

Program and Conference Overview

The conference will be held fully online.

The time zone of this conference will be the Central European Time (GMT+01:00).

We are extremely pleased to announce that there will be a presentation at the conference by Professor Ference Marton. This will be followed by a question and answer session.

The outline programme for the conference consists of:

  1. Extended Presentations (Day 1) - 45 minute live sessions.
  2. Presentations (Days 1 and 2) - 20 minute live sessions.
  3. Poster Presentations - available to be viewed at the end of Day 2.
  4. Prerecorded Presentations – 20 minute recordings available at any time.

Click here to consult the full conference programme.


  • 2nd March 2020
    Deadline for submissions
  • 20th April 2020
    Notification of acceptance
  • 18th October 2020
    Decision regarding online conference
  • 31st of January 2021
    Final deadline for registration
  • 10th-11th February 2021
    SIG 9 Conference - fully online


The submission of contributions is closed. 

The conference has been moved online due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Consequently, the presentation formats also had to be adjusted as follows. Please carefully consider the requirements indicated below. Independent of the format, general instructions on how to manage the online presentation and interaction will follow.

To submit your proposal, simply log in at with your existing EARLI account.
Click "my submissions" in the blue navigation bar to enter the submission tool, and select the SIG 9 Conference. If you don't yet have an EARLI account, you can create one free of charge here.

You can also access the SIG 9 submission tool directly via this link.

Presentation Formats

  1. Extended Paper Sessions (45 minutes) are oral presentations of completed research or work-in-progress that is significant in the field and is followed by a discussion with the audience. There will be 2 paper presentations for each parallel session. Each paper will be allocated 15 minutes for a presentation and 30 minutes of discussion with the audience. Proposals should focus on issues that are of great significance in the field. They should consist of an abstract (max 200 words) including 3-5 keywords and an extended summary (max 500 words). In addition, the proposal must provide a description (max 200 words) of how the presenter intends to encourage discussion. 
    • Online format:
      • These should be no longer than 25 minutes to allow time for discussion. 
      • Presenters may want to prepare questions/tasks to prompt discussion.
      • All presentations should be uploaded by 3rd February.  We will give let you have details of how to do this in January
  2. Single Paper Sessions (25 minutes) are oral presentations of completed research or work-in-progress, followed by questions from the audience. There will be 4 paper presentations for each parallel session. Each paper will be allocated 15 minutes for a presentation and 10 minutes for questions from the audience. Proposals should consist of an abstract (max 200 words) including 3-5 keywords and an extended summary (max 500 words).
    • Online format: Synchronous presentations
      • These should be no longer than 20 minutes (15 minutes for a presentation and 5 minutes for questions).
      • Please upload your presentation no later than 3rd February 2021. We will let you have details of how to do this in January.
    • Online format: Asynchronous Presentations
      • These should be no longer than 20 minutes.
      • You can choose to present in whatever digital format suits you best.
      • Please upload your presentation no later than 3rd February 2021.  We will let you have details of how to do this in January.
      • There are sessions in the programme when there will be the opportunity for commentary on asynchronous presentations.
  3. Posters will be available throughout the conference for delegates to review. Each poster should contain the contact details of the author so that delegates interested in hearing more can make direct contact. Poster should be A0 or A1. Poster boards and materials for fixing the board will be provided. Proposals should consist of a title of up to 100 characters, an abstract (max 100 words) and an extended summary (max 250 words).
    • Online format: Synchornous presentations
      • These should be no longer than 20 minutes.
      • Please upload your presentation no later than 3rd February 2021.  We will let you have details of how to do this in January.

Review Criteria

All proposals will be peer reviewed according to the following criteria:

  1. Significance for theory and practice in the field of phenomenography/variation theory
  2. Overall quality and scientific originality including clarity of aim, research design and methods
  3. Quality and appropriateness of the analysis and presentation and interpretation of results
  4. The likelihood that presented activities will promote discussion

It is possible that if your proposal is not accepted as an Extended Paper Session then you may be asked to present at a Paper Session or offered the opportunity to submit a Poster. If your proposal is not accepted as a Paper Session then you may be given the opportunity to submit a Poster. 


The conference will take place on 10 – 11 of Februay 2021 fully online. The host is the Faculty of Education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

The conference will be run on Zoom. Login and password are sent to registered participants by 8th of February 2021. If you are not familiar with Zoom then it may be worth reviewing it before you join the conference. You can find details here:




You can register using this link.

Everyone who is proposing to attend the conference must register for it. 
If you have not registered for the conference, then we will not be able to admit you on day.

Conference Fees:

Earli members: No fee
Non Earli members: No fee


Organising Committee

Åke Ingerman, SIG Coordinator,
Guy Durden, SIG Coordinator,
Jaana Kettunen, JURE Coordinator,

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.