SIG 1 & 4 JOINT CONFERENCE 2022, 27-30 June 2022
Scientific Programme
Programme Overview
We are excited that more than 200 proposals have been submitted from all over the world. Thank you very much for your submissions!
Scientific Programme
The scientific programme entails symposia, paper sessions and poster sessions. For further details please consult:
We are pleased to announce that the following invited speakers will contribute keynotes to our conference:
Monday, 27 June 11.30-13.00: Dr. Kathleen M. Quinlan: "Breaking out of our Silos: How Higher Education Researchers Can Learn With Other SIGS" (Sig 4 keynote)
Tuesday, 28 June 11.30-13.00: Anastasiya A. Lipnevich, Ph.D: "The paradox of Feedback: If we don't know where we are going, how will we know when we get there?" (Sig 1 keynote)
Wednesday, 29 June 11.30-13.00: Naomi Winstone, Ph.D & Crina Damsa, Ph.D (Conceptual, methodological and topical considerations in research on learning and assessment: towards an agenda for future integrative research; Joint keynote by Sig 1 & 4)

For more information on the keynote speakers click here.
1. Best of Jure Session
We are excited to announce that during our SIG1 and SIG4 Joint Conference (June 27th – 30th, Cádiz, Spain) JURE members have the special opportunity to present their work in a Best of Jure Session.
Of all the individual papers submitted by JURE members, the 4 highest scoring contributions will be combined into one special session which is organized and chaired by the SIG1+SIG4 JURE Coordinators. The authors of the selected papers will receive a certificate and a small present.
2. Workshops
What’s more? You will have a chance to participate in expert-led workshops focusing on skills relevant for JURE researchers.
Workshop 1: Developing your Writing Skills
PD Dr. Martin Daumiller & Raven Rinas (University of Augsburg, Department of Psychology)
Teaser: Writing is not a talent, but a skill. Writing good papers is hard work, even for experienced researchers. In this workshop, we will discuss writing tips that are helpful for producing high quality articles and for writing more concisely, elegantly, and clearly.
Workshop 2: Increasing Visibility Trough Social Media
Dr. Juuso Henrik Nieminen (The University of Hong Kong)
Teaser: Social media can increase your visibility as a researcher, help you share your findings, and engage in conversations with communities in academia and beyond. In this workshop, you will learn about relevant professional networks and how to use them effectively. We’ll discuss tips and pitfalls.
Registration for the Workshops
Please follow this link to register for one of the workshops. (Deadline: 24th of June 2022)
Dates and Location
Conference Date
27 to 30 June, 2022
Conference Venue
Universidad de Cadiz, Spain
Welcome and Keynotes Sessions
Facultad de Medicina
Campus Universitario de Cádiz
Plaza Falla nº 9
CP 11003 – Cádiz
Symposia, Poster, and Parallel Sessions
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Avda. Enrique Villegas Vélez, nº 2
11002 - Cádiz - Spain
Important Dates / Time Schedule
18 October 2021: Submission opens
22 November 2021: Start of registration (early bird)
23 January 2022: Submission deadline (midnight CET)
8 March 2022: Review results announced
17 April 2022: Early bird & Presenter registration deadline (midnight CET)
15 May 2022: Publication of detailed program
31 May 2022: Final deadline for registration (for non-presenters only) (midnight CET)
27 to 30 June, 2022: SIG1 + 4 Joint Conference in Cadiz
Travel and Hotel Recommendations
Travel and COVID-19
Here you can find information from the Ministerio de Sanidad on COVID-19-related regulations for traveling within and to Spain.
General info about Cadiz
Travel agencies
C/ San Francisco, 13 Cádiz
Tfno: +34 956 21 22 23
Plaza Isaac Peral, 2
El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
Tfno: +34 956 85 65 22 (Ext. 1)
Hotel recommendations
Cadiz has many hotels and accommodations. We have prepared a list of selected hotels for you (walk distance from the venue). You can access it here.
- Jerez airport (XRY) (42.6 km., 32 min)
- Seville airport (SVQ) (121 km., 1 h, 22 min)
- Gibraltar airport (GIB) (120 km., 1 h, 35 min)
- Malaga Costa Del Sol airport (AGP) (226 km., 2 h, 26 min
Discount on IBERIA Flights for Attendees of the EARLI SIG1&4 Joint Conference 2022
IBERIA L.A.E. Preferred Air Carrier of the "EARLI SIG1&4 JOINT CONFERENCE 2022" under the affected agreement, will grant a 10% discount to those attending the event.
To benefit from the discount, click on the Iberia logo or go to http://WWW.IBERIA.COM
Once the round trip fare is selected, click on the "I have a promotional code" section and specify the EARLISIGJOINTCONFERENCE22 discount code (in capital letters), taking into account that the trips are valid from 5 days before to 5 days after the dates of celebration of the event.
Valid for flights operated by:
Possible offers are:
- Discount Bonus
- Application of 10% discount on final prize at the time of purchase at The price of the air ticket is made up of the fare, the fuel rate and the airport fees. This discount bonus applies to the sum of all of them.
- Name of the “customizable” bond.
- Bonus application only through
- MICE Rates: (Directed to the organization's guests to the event).
- 10% discount on the entire battery of rates available in GDS.
- Applicable to travel from 5 days before the start of the event and up to 5 days after the end
- Possibility of issuance in Iberia Direct Sale
Discount on RENFE Train Tickets
We inform you that for EARLI SIG1&4 JOINT CONFERENCE 2022 conference attendance we have discounts for congressmen in RENFE (5% discount).
For attendees to enjoy the discount when buying their tickets through they must:
1.- Select the train ticket you want from any of the available options (Basic, Choose, Choose Comfort and Premium).
2.- In the drop-down list, select the Conference/ Event rate.
3.- Enter the authorization number in the box indicating authorization number (Not valid for discount code box).
The authorization document will be sent individually and controlled upon registration of the assistant. To be able to enjoy this discount, it will be necessary to take the printed document throughout the tour and show it in the access control or to the Train Supervisor when requested.
The discounts are valid from 25/06/2022 to 02/07/2022.
Internet access

There are several ways to get internet access on the Campus Area of the University of Cádiz.
- You are welcome to use the University PCs. These are located in the FCEE - Aula of Informática on the fourth floor.
- Those who have brought their own computer can use the university wireless internet access, which is available throughout the Campus Area. To gain access to the internet, please do the following: Choose 'ucAirPublica' as WLAN-connection. You will now be redirected to a form where you have to type uEARLIORG as username and c783186 as a password. Your internet access is now granted.
- Education roaming (eduroam) is also provided at the Universit yof Cádiz. If you use this service, please log in the usual way.

Left luggage rooms
A left luggage room is available from the registration counter. More information will be provided at the Help Desk.
Tourist information
Cádiz is a city and port in southwestern Spain. It is the capital of the Province of Cádiz, one of eight that make up the autonomous community of Andalusia.
Cádiz, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Western Europe. Situated on a narrow slice of land surrounded by the sea‚ Cádiz is, in most respects, a typically Andalusian city with well-preserved historical landmarks. Read more
You can get information on sightseeing in Cádiz at the city's tourism website.
Wineries in the province
We have prepared for you a list of wineries in the province. You can access it here.
Conference theme: Exploring research synergies to learn from each other
By bringing together two long-standing EARLI special interest groups SIG 1 “Assessment and Evaluation” and SIG 4 “Higher Education”, the “Joint SIG1 & SIG4 Conference 2022” provides an opportunity to initiate, foster and consolidate synergies and collaborations in research areas present in both communities.
The two communities represent a variety of research interests:
- SIG 1 Assessment and Evaluation: Research with a thematic focus on classroom assessment, largescale assessment and program evaluation at all levels of education (from kindergarten to higher education).
- SIG 4 Higher Education: Research with a contextual focus on higher education that covers various themes related to learning and instruction as well as academic development.
We invite scholars to share their research at our joint conference and to enjoy the special program aimed at encouraging interactions between the two communities and productive discussions within each community. During the conference, a special program track will be dedicated to those contributions that are at the intersection of assessment/evaluation and higher education and thus highlight potential research synergies. We also invite researchers who are interested in assessment topics outside of higher education and scholars studying other phenomena than assessment in higher education to share their research during the Sig-specific session tracks. Topics addressing COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for teaching, learning and assessment are especially welcome.
We hope the conference opens new perspectives to each other’s research. In addition, the new session format of “collaborative spaces”, which was successfully introduced during the last SIG 4 conference in 2018, will be incorporated in our schedule. This format aims at creating a platform for exchanging ideas with the potential to explore new research directions and possible collaborations both within and between the two communities. We are convinced that the complementing strengths of both communities provide a great opportunity to expand our horizons and to learn from each other.
Conference Formats
The conference will include the following conference formats, all of which are designed to trigger deep conversations between participants.
Paper presentations: Paper sessions are oral presentations of three to four papers followed by a discussion with the audience. Each presenter is given 15 to 20 minutes to present a clear argument. For paper proposals please submit a short abstract of 100-150 words + extended summary of max. 750 words.
Symposia: Symposia present research on one topic or theme, providing a coherent set of papers for discussion. Symposium sessions consist of 3-4 oral paper presentations and the discussant’s contribution. For symposia please submit an overarching abstract of 100-150 words describing the contents and purpose(s) of the symposium. In addition please submit for each paper a short abstract of 100-150 words + extended summary of max. 750 words. Symposia are directed by a chairperson who should be one of the presenters. In symposia, participants should come from at least two different countries. Please note that every participant must register individually.
Guided poster presentations: Poster sessions involve a number of posters, which visually present current research. Each presenter is given three minutes for a short oral presentation, followed by an in-depth discussion with the audience. Each poster should be fixed to a (soft) presentation board for a maximum size of format A0 (84 x 119 cm; push pins will be provided). For poster proposals please submit a short abstract of 100-150 words + extended summary of max. 750 words.
Collaborative space: The 1.5-to-2-hour “collaborative space” is a session in which a maximum of 30 participants (excluding the organizers) discuss their ongoing or future research projects with the goal of establishing or strengthening research collaborations. This may include collaborations about constructs that researchers use, but also about methodologies or a specific content area.
The submission for a collaborative space should include the main content area for which collaboration shall be established or deepened. Organizers are asked to explain why this area may provide new or interesting insights. They should add possible research questions as well as the planned or preliminary outcomes of the collaboration which can be addressed by the collaborators.
For collaborative space proposals please submit a short abstract of 100-150 words + extended summary of max. 750 words.
The structure of a collaborative-space session should be as follows:
- Session organizers present themselves and their current ideas (which they submitted to the conference) in max. 20 minutes (possibly supported by printouts). These presentations should include the following items:
- goal of project ideas (e.g., grant submission, publication),
- topic area,
- (likely) research methods,
- planned outcomes.
- Participants split up into several subgroups with each at least one facilitator, based on their interests. This phase may take from 30 to 60 minutes (depending on the total time frame). In each subgroup, participants present themselves and their current ideas (if applicable) very shortly; an in-depth discussion of collaboration possibilities follows.
- The last 30 minutes of the session is used for bringing together the ideas discussed in the subgroups. Session organizers will present their view in a short wrap-up (max. 15 minutes), followed by a final plenary discussion. In the subgroup phase, it is of paramount importance that participants (other than the organizers) are motivated to express and (further) develop own (and collaborative) research ideas.
Submission Process
The submission is open from 18 October 2021. Please submit your proposal via the conference system at (Submission Phase ended on 23 January 2022)
Log in with your existing EARLI credentials, and click the green ‘new submission’ button in your EARLI user dashboard. Select the ‘SIG 1 + 4 Conference 2022‘, and the submission type you wish to submit. All submitters and presenters will need an active EARLI account. Should you not have an EARLI account yet, you can easily create one (free of charge) at
Please note: You can be listed max. 2 times as presenting author and max. 1 time as discussant. All submissions should be done completely anonymously, to ensure a fair review process. Please do not include your name in your submission.
Review Process
We thank all the volunteers that registered as reviewers! We highly appreciate the time and effort you will invest in helping us to prepare an inspiring conference!
The reviewer instructions give detailed information on how to evaluate submissions.
Chairing Sessions
We would like to thank all chairs for their most valuable contribution to the conference. Here you can find the chair guidelines.
Conference Fee
Early Bird Registration (until 17/04/2022):
- EARLI member € 300
- JURE member € 250
- Non-member € 340
Late Registration (18/04/2022 - 31/05/2022):
- EARLI member € 340
- JURE member € 290
- Non-member € 380
Registration for Low-GDP (non-) member € 200
In order to be eligible for a reduced low GDP fee, you have to live and work in a low GDP country. The threshold in the EARLI SIG 1 & 4 Conference 2022 is an average annual GDP per capita of under 23.000 US-$ based on the World Bank data for 2018 GDP per capita.
The following countries qualify for the reduced registration fees:
- African countries
- Asian countries
with following exceptions: Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong SAR, Israel, Japan, Korean Rep., Kuwait, Macao SAR, Qatar, Singapore, United Arab Emirates
- Latin American countries
- Countries in Europe with low GDP:
Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.
Persons living and working in all other countries have to pay the regular registration fees.
Registration Process
Registration for this conference will be open on 22 November 2021. Please register via the conference system at
In order to register for the SIG 1 & 4 Conference, go to and login with your credentials or create a new account. You will find the SIG 1 & 4 Conference listed in your User Dashboard under "Upcoming Conferences". Click on "Register".
In order to register with the reduced EARLI/JURE member conference fee, it is necessary for you to sign up as member beforehand. In order purchase membership, you need to click the green “new membership” button in your EARLI user dashboard. Once your membership has been paid and approved by the EARLI office, you will be able to register with the EARLI/JURE member conference fee.
Cancellation Policy
Currently we aim for a full face-to-face conference in Cádiz, June 2022. We do monitor and follow up on the COVID-pandemic worldwide regulations and the information in this section will be updated in case of changes in the conference format. In case your proposal gets accepted for the conference, yet you cannot present face-to-face due to government imposed travel restrictions, we will offer an opportunity to present your work in an online track (in a to be determined timeslot during the conference) and at a reduced registration fee. Find all information about the (COVID-related) cancellation and refund policy here:
Steering Committee and Organizing Team
EARLI SIG 1 Committee:
Dr. Tijs Rotsaert, Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Javier Fernández Ruiz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Dr. Laurie Delnoij, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
EARLI SIG 4 Committee:
Dr. Helga Dorner, Eötvös Loránd Universit, Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Rachelle Esterhazy, University of Oslo, Norway
Dr. Stefan T. Siegel, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
Local Organizing Committee:
Prof. Dr. Gregorio Rodríguez Gómez
Prof. Dr. Jaione Cubero Ibáñez
Prof. Dr. Miguel Angel Gómez Ruiz
Prof. Dr. Mª Soledad Ibarra Sáiz
Prof. Dr. Nicolás Ponce González
Sig1sig4cadiz2022 (at)
This conference is sponsored by

Social Programme
Social Programme
We are excited to share with you information about the social programme at our conference.
Here is an overview over the social events.
Opening Reception
The Opening Reception of the SIG1 & 4 Joint Conference will take place on June 27, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. int the Patio del Hospital Real. Here you can find more information on the location and the event.
Social Event "Gastronomy & Culture"
The UNESCO Chair on Evaluation and Assessment, Innovation and Excellence from
the University of Cádiz offers to participants in SIG1 & 4 Joint Conference a social
event during its development.
What: Tapas & Drinks, Flamenco Show | When: June 28, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. | Where: Patio Principal de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Cádiz
For further information click here.
Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner will take place on June 29, 8:30 p.m. in El Baluarte de los Mártires and will by served Restaurant El Faro de Cádiz – a renowned and awardwinning restaurant in Cádiz.
The dinner offers you an excellent chance to enjoy delicious food in a relaxed setting while getting to know other participants and making new connections outside the main conference environment. Click here for more information.
Social Activities
We are also delighted to share with you information about the the social activities and excursions we have planned for you.
Registration by email to:
Deadline: 25th June 2022
Price: 29€
Registration by email to:
Deadline: 25th June 2022
Price: 29€
Registration Link:
Deadline: 20th June 2022, 3:00 p.m.
Local Committee Recommendations
Excursions Around the Province of Cádiz
Would you like to explore Cadiz and learn more about the province and its people? That's good, because we have organised several excursions for you (29th June–2nd of July 2022, prices from 24€ to 75€). You can choose which excursion/s you will be joining. Please mind that some of them take place the same day so you won't be able to join both of them. Here you can find more information about the excursions and on how you can register for them: