SIG 6 & 7 Conference 2022
August 22nd – 24th, 2022 hosted at the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training in Zollikofen, Switzerland
We cordially invite you to submit proposals for the 2022 joint Special Interest Group Meeting of EARLI SIG 6 & 7. The aim of this meeting is to share and exchange ideas about your latest research on Instructional Design and/or Technology-Enhanced Learning and Instruction. This meeting’s highlighted theme is:
"Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Instructional Design and Technology Across all Educational Levels"
To claim that instructional design and technology research is important would be an understatement. Our research is now more important than ever, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced many educational practitioners to rely heavily on various forms of technology to provide their instructions at a distance. Thankfully, our research can inform educational practitioners and provide recommendations on what they should and should not do.
That said, our recommendations are still limited, due to a (too?) heavy focus on well-controlled (lab) research with shorter timeframes, university student samples, and cognitive outcome variables. The real educational world is much more diverse and complex than that. Hence, to truly be able to inform teachers, we will need to draw on different perspectives and conduct more (applied) research at all educational levels. This conference takes a step towards this development.
Please note that the highlighted theme does not impose any restrictions on submissions; all proposals that fit the scope of Instructional Design and/or Technology-Enhanced Learning and Instruction are welcome.
The SIG meeting will be organized by EARLI SIG 6 & 7 in partnership with the Swiss Federal University of Vocational Education and Training SFUVET.
Depending on the COVID-19-related conditions, we strongly hope to welcome you in presence in Zollikofen near Bern for a nice and enriching research meeting!
Now you can consult the final programme on the Book of Abstracts!
Find out the time slot of the conference sessions and check the session guideline.
Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko
University of Zurich, Switzerland
From SAMR to ICAP: Changing the way we study technology integration in education
The Substition-Augmentation-Modification-Redifinition (SAMR) model is one of the most prominent frameworks of technology integration in education. However, it has been criticized because it mainly focuses on technological rather than pedagogical innovation. The Interactive-Constructive-Active-Passive (ICAP) model takes a different approach. It draws on educational theory and attempts to describe key learning activities with increasing levels of complexity and effectiveness. Although the ICAP model was not developed specifically to analyze and inform educational technology integration, it has the potential to be applied in this area as well. The keynote compares both models, provides initial empirical insights, and discusses how these conceptual models might be combined.
Prof. Dr. Lennart Schalk
PH Schwyz, Switzerland
The real educational world is much more diverse and complex: Considering the interplay of levels of explanation, methodology, and the theory-practice schism
Research on learning and instruction aims to inform, develop, or even transform the real educational world; well, at least the educational implication statements in scientific articles often imply such aims. These statements however frequently neglect the diversity and complexity of real classrooms and educational settings, and, thus lack meaning for practice, fail to convince practitioners or even reinforce their conception of an insurmountable theory-practice schism. In this keynote, I will argue that diversity and complexity per se are not a problem, but that the meaning of methodologies (and statistics) and different levels of explanation have to be carefully considered and taken into account when planning, interpreting, and communicating research. I will emphasize the value of methodological pluralism and interdisciplinary work as well as the need to find productive ways of aligning different methodologies and disciplinary approaches in research on (technology-enhanced) instructional design to evolve educational practice.
Prof. Dr. Jürg Schweri
SFUVET, Switzerland
An economist’s view on the changing world of work, skills and education
The keynote begins with an overview of the much-discussed change in labor markets worldwide, namely the change in the composition of work tasks due to technological, economic and social developments. In many countries, these changes are also leading to a problematic polarization between high-skilled and low-skilled work. These developments pose challenges for education systems to prepare students for lifelong careers in dynamic labor markets. One controversial argument in the literature is that vocational education does not provide enough transferable skills to ensure long-term flexibility and mobility in the labor market. This argument relies on certain assumptions about the skills needed to adapt to new situations, which seem to be under-researched in the vocational context. The talk discusses results on how graduates from general and vocational education fare on labor markets and ends with reflections on how research from different disciplines can inform the public debate on change, education systems and lifelong learning.

Regular paper presentation
This format allows researchers to present their empirical or theoretical work. Presentations will be scheduled for 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion). For submitting a proposal, please use the Poster/Paper Proposal Template. The maximal proposal length is 3 pages, including Tables, Figures, and References (but excluding the “authors” page(s)).

No-or-not-perfect data presentations
This format provides presenters the opportunity for presenting and discussing empirical work which is at an early stage (research ideas or work in progress). Presentations will be scheduled for 20 minutes (10 minutes presentations and 10 minutes discussion). For submitting a proposal, please use the Poster/Paper Proposal Template. The maximal proposal length is 3 pages, including Tables, Figures, and References (but excluding the “authors” page(s)).

A limited number of 90 minute slots will be made available for symposia consisting of 3 to 4 closely related papers (regular paper presentations) and a discussant. The contributions should come from at least three different countries (the discussant’s country is included in the count). For submitting a proposal for a symposium, please use the Symposium Proposal Template. The maximal proposal length is 6 pages, including an abstract, Tables, Figures, and References (approximately: 1 page for symposium abstract, 1 page for each paper, 1 page for references).

Poster presentations
We plan for poster sessions of substantial length and with high attendance, making this an interactive presentation format. Poster sessions will be scheduled for 90 minutes. For submitting a proposal, please use the Poster/Paper Proposal Template. The maximal proposal length is 3 pages, including Tables, Figures, and References (but excluding the “authors” page(s)).

During the conference, it will be possible to show software, multimedia products, innovative platforms, and instructional tools that allow innovative research on (technology-enhanced) instructional design. Demonstrations will be scheduled for 45 minutes. For submitting a proposal, please use the Demonstration Proposal Template. The maximal proposal length is 3 pages, including Tables, Figures, and References (but excluding the “authors” page(s)).

Early-career mentoring
PhD students who attend this conference and present their work (regular paper presentation, no-or-not-perfect-data presentation, or poster presentation) are invited to additionally opt for the early career-mentoring program in which they receive feedback from one of the senior researchers attending the conference. When submitting your proposal, please indicate that you are currently a PhD student and would like to be included in the early career-mentoring program.
Submission templates for all conference formats can be downloaded here:
January 10th, 2022Submission opens
March 14th, 2022Deadline for submission
May 2nd, 2022Notification of acceptance and registration opens
June 24th, 2022Early bird registration
July 22nd, 2022Registration deadline for presenters
August 22nd - August 24th, 2022EARLI SIG 6 & 7 conference
The Early Bird Registration Deadline ends on June 24, 2022. So make sure to register before that time to benefit from low conference fees. Please complete your registration by the Final Registration Deadline which is July 22, 2022.
The Conference Registration is close.
We made an effort to keep the registration fees low while allowing for a great conference experience.
Early Bird Registration (before June 24th)
- JURE Members*: 120 €
- EARLI Members*: 190 €
- Master & PhD Students (Non-Members): 160 €
- Regular (Non-Members): 250 €
Late Registration (after June 24th)
- JURE Members*: 140 €
- EARLI Members*: 220 €
- Master & PhD Students (Non-Members): 180 €
- Regular (Non-Members): 280 €
*To benefit from the special member rates for the conference, it is necessary to be an EARLI/JURE member beforehand or make sure that you updated your EARLI membership. Once your membership for the year 2022 has been paid and approved by the EARLI office, you will be able to register with the EARLI/ JURE member conference fee.
Please note that for updating or creating a new JURE membership, you will need to send proof of your JURE status via email to the EARLI office.
In case you will join the Networking Dinner (additional 45 €), please pay the Conference Fee + Networking Dinner ticket in one transfer. To finalize the registration for the SIG 6 & 7 Conference, please send a copy of the payment receipt to:
Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET)
Kirchlindachstrasse 79, P.O. Box
CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland
You can reach the SFUVET campus from Bern by train or by bus:
- Bern railway station (RBS regional railway line S8) --> Zollikofen railway station
- Bern railway station (Post Bus 106) –> Zollikofen Schäferei stop
Further information on how to travel to SFUVET can be found here
We recommend the following accommodations for your stay in Bern:
When making your reservation please indicate that you are an EARLI SIG 6 -7 Conference participant to obtain reduced prices and discounts.
The SIG meeting will be organized by EARLI SIG 6 & 7.
Scientific committee
SIG 6:
Alberto Cattaneo, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training, Switzerland
Julian Roelle, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Chiara Antonietti (JURE), Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training, Switzerland
SIG 7:
Andreas Lachner, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Vincent Hoogerheide, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Salome Wagner (JURE), University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact:
Chiara Antonietti at
Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET
c/o Prof. Dr. Alberto Cattaneo
Via Besso 84 / 86
6900 Lugano Massagno
+41 58 458 25 24
We invite all participants to take part in the Networking Dinner, on August 23rd, 2022 at Altes Tramdepot in Bern. Tickets can be purchased with your registration. A vegetarian and vegan alternative will be available. Please enter your dietary requirements when purchasing your ticket.