Frontline Learning Research (FLR) welcomes risk-taking and explorative studies that provide input for theoretical, empirical and/or methodological renewal within the field of research on learning and instruction. The journal offers a distinctive opening for foundational research and an arena for studies that promote new ideas, methodologies or discoveries. Read about what is frontline under aims and scope of the journal.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Publishing will be free of charge for EARLI members (at the time of original submission of the manuscript), as the Executive Commitee of EARLI would like to offer this exclusive advantage to its members. Authors who are not an EARLI member will be asked to pay an Open Access Publication Fee of €200.
The journal particularly welcomes both short and long, brief, albeit rigorous, articles reporting on emerging theoretical, methodological and empirical approaches. Innovative/risk-taking research in the learning and educational sciences is encouraged. An outlet is provided for publishing in-depth studies, including articles involving a thoroughly elaborated theoretical framework, extensive qualitative data or complex analytical techniques. We highly welcome dynamic data material such as video's, photo's, and highly value multidisciplinary research that draws from cognitive, philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical theoretical paradigms.
We encourage you to submit the following research:
- Studies focusing on issues and ideas encountered in relatively new fields, lacking a long line of research.
This lack of well-developed theoretical framings and of articulated theoretical constructs and ideas, provides an avenue for initiating useful and productive scientific discussion on a range of issues. These include internal inconsistencies, phenomena which appear inconsistent with the predictions derived from the corresponding theoretical framework and available empirical evidence, indicating flaws in
underlying assumptions or premises
- Studies seeking to make connections between previously unconnected established lines of research so as to integrate different theoretical frameworks
- Studies using an innovative research methodology that offers a different perspective on how to conceptualise and pursue certain research questions
Submission are welcome via this link.

(Faculty of Humanities, University of Southern Denmark)
Crina Damsa
University of Oslo, Norway
Andreas Gegenfurtner
University of Passau & Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Germany
Jake McMullen
University of Turku, Finland
Hanna Järvenoja
University of Oulu, Finland
Antti Rajala
University of Helsinki, Finland
Anoush Margaryan
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark